10 Helpful Strategies for Engaging Your Kids at Mass

Dulce Nombre Children's Mass, , Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Are you looking for ways to engage your children more effectively in Mass?

In a recent episode of The Catholic Talk Show, Ryan Scheel, Ryan Dellacrosse, and Father Rich Pagano are joined by Jordan Watwood from EverythingCatholic to discuss strategies to make Mass an exciting and meaningful journey for your children.

From setting a good example to embracing technology, here are 10 helpful strategies they share:

1. Lead By Example

Scheel says "Kids want to be their parents and you've got to give them a good visual example of what it means to be a Catholic."

Show your reverence during the Mass and let them see your passion. They will follow suit.

2. Prepare for Mass

Watwood highlights the importance of preparation, saying families can be "doing things on the way to Mass, listening to the readings or some soft music…that way when they're walking into Mass, they're kind of a good speed and they're ready to go."

3. Make Mass Exciting

Engage kids in the Liturgy. The more they actively participate, the more connected they'll feel. "Inviting kids into the Liturgy in ways they can participate is super helpful,” Watwood says.

4. Incorporate Faith-Based Toys

Consider faith-based toys and books, like chewable rosaries for teething babies. These can be a fun and effective way to engage the youngest attendees in the pews.

5. Answer Their Questions

Open dialogue with children and teenagers is essential. Understand their doubts, answer their questions, and ensure they feel valued in their faith journey.

6. Make It a Family Affair

"The best Sundays are the ones where we make...the most important thing we'll do all day is going to Mass and spending time together with the sacrament as a family,” Watwood says.

7. Be Open About Faith

"It's my duty and responsibility to find out where [doubts are] coming from," Dellacrosse says. This can create an open environment where children feel encouraged to express their feelings about faith.

8. Use Technology

Explore faith-based learning apps like Hallow, which can be a powerful tool for faith formation in children.

9. Raising Adults, Not Just Children

"My concept of parenting is you're raising adults,” Scheel says. Encourage their growth by treating them like adults, giving them a sense of responsibility, and preparing them for the future.

10. Incorporate Faith-Based Books

Books about saints or biblical stories can intrigue children and deepen their understanding of the Catholic faith.

Watch the episode to hear more about fostering a deeper connection between children and the faith:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

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