12 Signs You Might Be a Hipster Traditionalist

via thwordinc.blogspot.com

1) You prefer to go to the Traditional Latin Mass, but you don’t fit in with all of those Mainstream Traditionalists.

Phil Roussin / Flickr

You are even okay with attending the Ordinary Form in a pinch.

2) You celebrate saints’ feasts no one has never heard of, like the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus.

Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

Who wants to celebrate all the saints that everyone knows about when you can celebrate St. Ursula and the 11,000 virgins?

3) You believe in the outlandish stories of saints passed down by tradition…

Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

…like when St. Bernard of Clairvoux breastfed from Our Lady.

4) While you would prefer to shop local, you can’t afford that co-op because of your expanding brood of children

Dan & Susie Romer / Flickr

[See also: 18 Signs You Might Have A LOT of Kids]

5) When it is seasonable, you grow a food garden, where you can finally afford some of that organic food!

Chiot’s Run / Flickr

You like to preserve food by canning what you buy or pick locally and even can your own garden produce as well.

[See also: 10 Reasons Every Christian Should Have a Garden]

6) If you are a woman, and you have come to the decision to cover your head at church

via blog.adw.org

But you don’t wear the standard white or black. You either do hats, thick headbands, or a different colored veil.

You even wear your veil and your skinny jeans at the same time to daily Mass.

[See also: 10 Reasons Some Women Are Wearing Veils in Church Again]

7) If you are a man, you enjoy things like washing dishes, helping with dinner or doing all the cooking yourself, sorting, washing, and folding laundry, scrubbing bathrooms, vacuuming, mopping, sweeping, changing diapers, putting children to bed, and taking charge of dressing them in the mornings.

Logan Ingalls / Flickr

You are happy to help out since you have read Mulieris Dignitatem.

8) Some of your favorite authors include James Joyce, Walker Percy, Flannery O’Connor, Graham Greene, Willa Cather, and T.S. Eliot.

Jonas Merian / Flickr

And while you recognize the superiority of books in print, you like the convenience of eBooks.

9) Your favorite movies were made by Federico Fellini, Ingmar Bergman, and Terence Malick.

via wallpaper-kid.com

You love their deep exploration of humanity.

10) You wish you could afford some original art for your home

via art-wallpaper.net

Like a Mark Rothko or a Salvador Dali.

11) You read and like the theology of both St. Thomas Aquinas and Hans Urs von Balthasar

Catholic Memes

But you don’t limit your study to just them.

12) When you pray, you like to read the writings of Dom Gueranger, Pope St. John Paul II, and Thomas Merton.


You want to embrace the whole of the tradition.

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