16 Churches So Beautiful They'll Take Your Breath Away

Diliff, Wikipedia

Yes, all of these places actually exist!

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[See also: QUIZ: Modernist Church or Communist Building?]

[See also: QUIZ: Can You Match These Liturgical Latin Phrases With Their Meanings?]

St. Peter and Paul’s Church – Vilnius, Lithuania

Diliff, Wikipedia

Basilica of the Virgin Mary – Krakow, Poland

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, Flickr

Church of St. Francis of Assisi – Prague, Czech Republic

Miroslav Petrasko, Flickr

St. Stephen’s Basilica – Budapest, Hungary

Miroslav Petrasko, Flickr

Church of St. Anne – Warsaw, Poland

Michael Caven, Flickr

Holy Ghost Church – Denver, Colorado

Dixie Lawrence, Flickr

St. Charles’s Church – Vienna, Austria

Miroslav Petrasko, Flickr

Saint Isaac’s Cathedral – Saint Petersburg, Russia

Benjamin Jakabek, Flickr

St. Andrews Church – Kirby Grindaylthe, England

Nick Garrod, Flickr

St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral – New York City, New York

Kent G Becker, Flickr

St. Mark’s Basilica, Venice, Italy

-Reji, Flickr

St. Francis Xavier Church – New York City, New York

Kah-Wai Lin, Flickr

San Francisco el Grande Basilica – Madrid, Spain

San Francisco el Grande Basilica, Flickr

St. Paul Basilica – Rome, Italy

Paval Hadzinski, Flickr

St. Aloysius Church – Glasgow, Scotland

Michael D Beckwith, Flickr

And of course…

St. Peter’s Basilica – Rome, Italy

Giselle Fernandes, Flickr

[See also: The Lost 1200-Year-Old Wonder: A Tour of the Old St. Peter’s Basilica]

[See also: Burned by the Hands of Souls in Purgatory: A Museum’s Rare Collection]

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