20 of the Strangest Things in Catholic Culture, According to a Former Protestant

LizziesAnswers, YouTube

This is interesting perspective! Can anyone else relate?

Protestant YouTube star Lizzie Estella Reezay of the YouTube channel LizziesAnswers was officially received into the Catholic Church this Easter. In the video below, she talks about what she, as a former Protestant, finds to be the strangest parts of Catholic culture.

Lizzie grew up in the Protestant denomination Churches of Christ (CoC). She started her YouTube channel 8 years ago when she was just 16 years old and had a few videos giving teenage relationship advice go viral. Since the beginning, though, she wasn’t shy about also talking about her Christian faith. As of this writing, she has amassed a huge following, with over +180k subscribers to her YouTube channel and over 34 million video views.

Here’s the video:

What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

[See also: Major Protestant YouTube Star is Received into Catholic Church at Easter Vigil (With Pictures!)]

[See also: 7 of the Most “Catholic” Bible Verses that Prove Catholicism]

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