These responses are amazing! 🤣🤣🤣

An atheist Twitter account recently posted about Christianity’s beliefs in God’s infinite power and Christians all over Twitter amazingly responded to the post.

The post seemingly mocks Christianity, however, Christians considered it an opportunity to agree with the account.

Here’s the full post below:

@ForumAtheist, Twitter

The full post reads, “CHRISTIANITY: Belief that one God created a universe 13.79 billion yrs old, 93 billion light yrs in diameter (1 light yr = approx. 6 trillion miles), consisting of over 200 billion galaxies, each containing ave. of 200 billion stars, only to have a personal relationship with you.”

Many Christians hilariously responded to the post.

Here’s some responses below:

@canonlawyered, Twitter

Canon Lawyer and Catholic News Agency D.C. bureau chief Ed Condon responded, “Mate, if you think that’s cool, read a bit more – He did it all IN THE DARK.”


@DavidAFrench, Twitter

The Dispatch senior editor David French also responded, “Not ‘only’ but that’s part of the deal, and it’s an act of grace marvelous beyond words.”

@DouthatNYT, Twitter

New York Times columnist Ross Douthat added, “Well, not *only* me…”

Click here if you cannot see the post above.

Diocese of Richmond, Va. priest Fr. Cassidy Stinson responded with a Robert Downey Jr. GIF. Raising his arms, the GIF says, “PREACH!”

@DaniellesHabit, Twitter

Sr. Danielle Victoria, FSP posted, “Amen! Praise be Jesus Christ!”

@Carolin805951797, Twitter

Catholic convert Caroline Burt said, “See, you do have a belief in God, couldn’t have put better myself. God has a personal relationship with everyone.”

Click here if you cannot see the post above.

Accompanied by a GIF saying, “I’m really proud of you,” This user added. “Voila. You nailed it.”

Pray for the conversion of the atheists!

[See also: Priest Hilariously Explodes Twitter, Asks for Predictive Texts: What Patron Saint Are You, According to Your Phone?]

[See also: Nun Hilariously Fires Back at Goth Account, Exploding Twitter: “Oh Please…We’re The Original Goths”]

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