22 Mystically Beautiful Photos of Lourdes

thierry llansades Flickr

In 1858, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to a young peasant girl named Bernadette Soubirous in the small town of Lourdes, France. Our Lady, who said of herself “I am the Immaculate Conception,” told the girl to dig in a certain spot and drink the water she found. Soon after, others who drank or bathed in the water reported miracles.

The water still gushes forth from the ground to this day, and millions of pilgrims visit each year.

[See also: 4 Literally Awesome Facts About Our Lady of Guadalupe]

[See also: When Mary Told McLuhan “the Medium is the Message”]

Below are 22 amazing photos that show the mystical beauty of the place.

You can click on any image to view it full size. Enjoy!

Lawrence OP, Flickr
thierry llansades, Flickr
thierry llansades, Flickr
thierry llansades, Flickr
chiefmoamba, Flickr
thierry llansades, Flickr
thierry llansades, Flickr
thierry llansades, Flickr
Stina Stockholm, Flickr
thierry llansades, Flickr
romaryka, Flickr
PacoQT, Flickr
Letting Go of Control, Flickr
Lawrence OP, Flickr
Lawrence OP, Flickr
lackystrike, Flickr
Dennis Jarvis, Flickr
Dennis Jarvis, Flickr
Damien Roué, Flickr
Damien Roué, Flickr
Athanasius, Flickr
vasse nicolas,antoine, Flickr

[See also: 8 of the Oldest Images of the Blessed Virgin Mary]

[See also: 13 Beautiful Non-White Depictions of the Blessed Virgin Mary]

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