9 Awesome Christian Art Pieces on DeviantArt

ReillyBrown, deviantart.com / papersunrise, deviantart.com / Fay-Who, deviantart.com

As the paintings, sculptures, and architecture of Rome and Medieval Europe attest, art has always been considered of vital importance to Christian civilization.

In his 1999 Letter To Artists, Saint John Paul II wrote the following:

Society needs artists, just as it needs scientists, technicians, workers, professional people, witnesses of the faith, teachers, fathers and mothers, who ensure the growth of the person and the development of the community by means of that supreme art form which is “the art of education”. Within the vast cultural panorama of each nation, artists have their unique place. Obedient to their inspiration in creating works both worthwhile and beautiful, they not only enrich the cultural heritage of each nation and of all humanity, but they also render an exceptional social service in favor of the common good.

In recent years, examples of good Christian art have at times been difficult to come by. This is partly due to the increasing preponderance of modern art that is often more focused on “making a statement” (political, social, or otherwise) and “pushing boundaries” than on capturing true beauty and uplifting the human spirit.

Despite this, there remain many artists who wish to explore the persons of saints and Biblical figures through their art, whether for their own personal interest or simply because they have been commissioned. The following is a list of nine examples of such art in various styles, as published on the website deviantart.com. While none of the listed examples are what we might call “great” art, it is nonetheless interesting to see figures like Saint George, Saint Michael, and Moses depicted in the style of a graphic novel.

The usernames of the artists are given as they appear on the website, and do not necessarily reflect the individual’s real name.

Note: While it is possible to find art like the pieces below on deviantart.com, the website features all kinds of art, some of which is not appropriate for all viewers, so please be cautious if browsing.

Click on any piece or artwork to enlarge it.

1) Our Lady of Guadalupe, by Genzoman

GENZOMAN / deviantart.com

View the original post, and read about the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe here.

2) Joan of Arc, by defcombeta

defcombeta / deviantart.com

View the original post, and learn more about Saint Joan of Arc here.

3) Moses, by Genzoman

GENZOMAN / deviantart.com

View the original post, and check out New Advent’s profile of Moses here.

4) Saint Michael The Archangel, by daniel-shagrath

daniel-shagrath / deviantart.com

View the original post, and listen to Dr. Taylor Marshall of the New Saint Thomas Institute discuss Saint Michael and the fall of Lucifer here.

5) Saint Sebastian, by Fay-Who

Fay-Who / deviantart.com

View the original post, and learn more about Saint Sebastian here.

6) St. Stephen of Hungary, by ReneAigner

ReneAigner / deviantart.com

View the original post, and learn more about Saint Stephen of Hungary here.

7) Saint George, by ReillyBrown

ReillyBrown / deviantart.com

View the original post, and learn more about Saint George here.

8) Our Lady of Guadalupe, by mhr79

mhr79 / deviantart.com

View the original post (for more about Our Lady of Guadalupe, see #1 above).

9) Ave Verum Corpus (Hail, True Body), by papersunrise

papersunrise / deviantart.com

View the original post, and read more about the Catholic view of the Eucharist here and here.

What do you think? Do you have a favorite out of the above pieces? Let us know in the comments!

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