Armed Men Abduct U.S. Missionary Nun in Africa - Pray for Her Quick Release!

Archdiocese of New Orleans, Screenshot / ChurchPOP

Please pray for this sister!

83-year-old missionary Sister Suellen Tennyson, MSC, of the Congregation of Marianite Sisters of the Holy Cross, was abducted overnight between April 4 and 5. Sister Tennyson serves as a missionary at Yalgo Parish in Bukina Faso, West Africa.

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The sister began her work in the Catholic Diocese of Kaya in Africa in 2014.

Unidentified armed men first vandalized the sister’s convent and took her to an unknown location.

Bishop Théophile Nare of Kaya told ACI Africa that before the kidnappers left the convent, they “vandalized rooms (and) damaged the community vehicle, which they attempted to take with them.”

“Until the search for her is successful, we remain in communion of prayer for the release of Sr. Suellen Tennyson,” the bishop added.

“We also pray for her sisters, for her congregation, as well as for the pastoral agents and the faithful of Yalgo Parish located some 110 kilometers from Kaya.”

The Archdiocese of New Orleans also issued a press release requesting prayers for her safe return.

“For many years, Sr. Suellen ministered to the people of the Archdiocese of New Orleans with great joy. Today, we express our sadness and shock at her abduction and offer our prayers for her safe return.

“Please join me in praying for Sr. Suellen, the Marianite Sisters of the Holy Cross, and all who know and love her during this difficult time.”

Radical Islamic groups have plagued the country with violence over the past few years. 

Bishop Justin Kientega of Ouahigouya said Islamic extremists performed a 2019 church attack in order to “provoke a conflict between the religions in a country where Christians and Muslims have always lived peaceably side-by-side.”

The Burkinabé population is 60 percent Muslim, 23 percent Christian (mostly Catholic), and 15 percent follow various indigenous faiths.

St. Anthony of Padua, please bring Sister Suellen home!

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