Bishops Conclude Youth Synod With Dance Party (Videos Inside)

@joshjmac, Twitter

Several videos and tweets recently circulated across the internet surrounding the entertainment that took place at the conclusion of the Youth Synod.

Vatican News described it as “an evening of entertainment for the Pope and the Bishops who partook in the gathering.”

The Vatican article also said that “young auditors who participated in the Synod organized the show to thank the Pope and the Synod Fathers for listening throughout this month of discussions”

Here are some videos from the celebration:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri also played the piano during the event:

Click here if you cannot see the video above. 

There have been mixed reactions regarding the evening of entertainment. Some are pleased, while others are expressed their whole-hearted displeasure.

Here are some reactions:

@Cindy_Wooden, Twitter

This user tweeted, “Adoration would have been better.”

Another user tweeted, “and there’s me thinking it would be a video of adoration before the blessed sacrament.”

@confiteor_deo, Twitter

This user also tweeted, “Joy is not defined as disco lights and dancing bishops, as the credibility & morality of the Church’s hierarchy recedes to nothingness. This is *not* [what] the Church millennials want, nor is it what Christ wants.”

@TheresaMLane, Twitter

Many also expressed positive thoughts regarding the event.

Archbishop Peter Comensoli responded to a user who tweeted,  “I do hope there was an appropriate amount of daggy ‘Dad’ dancing”

He responded, “None whatsoever–I was too busy filming!”

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

In response to Bishop Comensoli, the same user tweeted, “Such joy! We are an Easter people and alleluia is our song! 😁 prayers for you and all the Synod fathers as you move into the voting 🗳”

@kelpaget222, Twitter

What are your thoughts of this conclusion to the 2018 Youth Synod?

[See also: Is This a Priestess at the Youth Synod? Here’s the Truth]

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