Brave Catholics Remove Heckler "Preaching" Against Blessed Virgin Mary in Church (Video Inside)

Ryan Foley, TikTok

TikTok personality Ryan Foley, a Protestant Christian who travels the United States "preaching," recently published a video proclaiming his objection to the Rosary and honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The video, which generated almost 150,000 views on TikTok alone, shows brave Catholic men removing him from the Church for "preaching" against the Rosary.


"The Rosary is Heresy! Mother Mary is nothing! It's about knowing Jesus Christ!" Foley yells inside the Catholic Church as two men remove him from the sanctuary.

"Get out!" one man yells.

Another man threatens him with arrest.

"You have to run from Catholicism," Foley continues. "The Rosary...and Jesus tells us to sway away from repetitive prayer. This is real heresy. The real problem going around right now is the churches with this religion and this 'Churchianity.' They aren't even going to the biblical way of doing things."

Users across social media defended the men while calling out Foley for his erroneous beliefs.

One TikTok user said, "Sorry Ryan. The Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ."

Another TikTok user said, "The Catholic Church is the one and only true Church. We do not worship Mary, but we ask for her to pray for us since her prayers are more powerful."

TikTok user Paul Gugerty added, "No words, utterly shameful. Blessed be Mary, the Theotokos!"

Another TikTok user said, "Jesus does not tell us to sway away from repetitive prayer, he says that you must pray with your heart not your words only."

This isn't the only video of Foley attacking the Catholic faith.

Another recent video shows him targeting the Rosary, the saints, the Catholic Church's traditions, and the Divine Mercy image.


"The reason it's so important to understand Catholics are going to hell is because it is a completely false religion," Foley says. "They're worshipping false gods."

Foley concludes his video with a false reference to the Divine Mercy image:

"I want you to look closely at this image because, in the front of this Catholic Church, they had a picture of Jesus Christ red with horns on Him. And yes, this was a Catholic Church."

The image he refers to is the original Divine Mercy image. And no, it does not have horns.

Divine Mercy Image, Public Domain

Catholics on TikTok reacted similarly to the second video.

One user said, "There were no horns on Jesus, that was simply light shining on his hair. Search up 'Jesus I trust in You' and you’ll find the exact picture."

User Sydney Grace Willis said, "The Divine Mercy image depicts the blood and water that flowed out of Jesus’ side when a soldier pierced him."

Another user said, "The first 'Hail Mary' came out of the Angel Gabriel’s mouth. He stands before the throne of God. Is the Angel Gabriel wrong? No."

Pray a "Hail Mary" for Ryan Foley's conversion!

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