Call to Resilient Faith: "Choose to Act, Even in Hopeless Moments," Fr. Mike Schmitz Explains

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What a motivating message!

Fr. Mike Schmitz, the director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Duluth, Minnesota and the Chaplain for the Newman Center at the University of Minnesota-Duluth, gave an amazing talk about facing our sufferings in life.

He presented this talk at the 2019 Fellowship of Catholic University Students’ (FOCUS) SEEK Conference.

Through his impeccable storytelling, he explains how facing our difficulties makes us stronger Catholics–how embracing the harsh realities of life makes us saints.

“God is my dad and he wants me to look like him, and He’s given me the grace, like the apostles,” Fr. Schmitz explains.

“He needs me to be the kind of person who can go through many hardships. God can use this to make me into the person he wants me to be.”

“The ‘who’ you become in your story is far more important than the ‘what’ that you do in your story.”

He adds that one can “choose to act, even when the moment seems hopeless.”

“When you’re experiencing incredible pain and difficulties, and you are in the midst of incredible suffering, you can still choose to act, even when things seem hopeless.”

He explains our call to unconditional, resilient faith.

This will make us saints!

Listen his inspiring talk below:

Will you choose to act, even when life seems hopeless?

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