Can't Afford College Theology? This New Online School Might Be Perfect For You

Dominican Institute

You love the Catholic faith and want to study theology at a higher level. But classes at your local Catholic college are too expensive. Or you can’t fit the classes into your busy schedule. Or you don’t trust their theology. Is there anything else you can do?

The new Dominican Institute might be exactly what you’re looking for.

Approved by the Diocese of Grand Rapids and the Sacred Heart Institute, the Dominican Institute offers university-level instruction online that’s faithful to the Catholic magisterium for 10% the normal cost. That’s not 10% cheaper, that’s 1/10th the cost of normal college classes.

“As a Lay Dominican, I believe there is a serious lack of solidarity in our formation programs around the U.S.,” T.J. Burdick, founder of the Dominican Institute, told ChurchPOP. “I want to use the Dominican Institute as a platform for the laity, Lay Dominicans especially, to learn their faith in order to live it more fully.”

The Dominican Institute is offering 12 online courses this fall, all taught by instructors with either an M.A. or Ph.D. in their field. Some of the course titles include “The Great Heresies,” “Introduction to Dominican Spirituality,” and “Foundational Bioethics.” You can see a full list here. Students pay per course, the cost of which ranges from completely free to $150. Compare that to a traditional college course, which can easily cost $1,500 or more.

Your coursework cannot earn you a traditional college degree; rather, students earn various kinds of certificates. But unless you plan on going further into academia, the difference shouldn’t matter for most people.

In fact, not being a traditional university has benefits.

“One of the cool things that we will also offer that other universities can’t,” Burdick explains, “are niche courses that are specific to student interest… So, courses on Chesterton, Theology of the Body, Online Evangelization, or Graphic Design can be offered, making our reach extend much farther.”

And the fact they are cheaper and online, he emphasizes, doesn’t mean the education will be lower quality.

“You won’t find a more affordable, rigorous, and diverse instructional atmosphere anywhere else in the world.”

Here’s a promotional video that should definitely get you pumped:

Learn more at!

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