Can't Make It to the March for Life? Here's What You Can Do Instead

William Murphy / Flickr

I’m sorry to say that I’ve never been to the March for Life. I wish I had made it when I was still single. Nowadays, with small kids, road trips are tough.

But I still try to do my part to participate from afar. Here are some ideas:

1) Share on social media

Mainstream publications famously ignore the March for Life. We can help remedy that. Post about it on Facebook or Twitter so everyone knows what an event this is.

2) Call your mom

It’s often good advice, but what a good day to thank her for the fact that you’re alive.

3) Hug your kids

Nothing makes me appreciate the preciousness of life like watching or holding my own children. These are the same people who I once felt moving inside, and mothers don’t forget these things.

4) Read up on what the pro-life movement has been doing lately

Even people who are pro-life sometimes don’t keep up with the movement in an active way. I know politics aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s good once in awhile to read what pro-lifers are doing. It’s surprising to me how often I meet people who identify as pro-life, but seem to think that the fight for life is going nowhere and mostly a lost cause. Not so! It’s actually very heartening to see how much has been accomplished in recent years. In honor of the March for Life, brush up on what pro-lifers are up to.

5) Make a small donation to a pro-life or pro-baby charity

Even just a token amount is something. And it doesn’t have to be a political organization. If you don’t do politics, consider a local chapter of Birthright International or another organization that helps unwed mothers. Or even a website or journal that promotes awareness and discussion of pro-life issues. (Nobody’s paying me to say that, I swear.)

6) Discuss your pro-life convictions with your kids, a friend, a sibling or someone else who might be interested

You don’t have to be annoying about it. Be prudent about choosing a person and context. Sometimes, though, people appreciate hearing why you believe what you do.

7) Pray

Even if you can’t join the march physically, prayer help is never a bad thing. Pray for the March for Life, for the unborn, and for an end to our abortion regime.

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