Cardinal Burke Writes Letter of Gratitude & Health Update Amid Recovery in the Hospital

@cardinalraymondburke, Instagram

Praise God for His goodness! 🙌

Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke wrote a letter of thanksgiving amid his strenuous battle with and recovery from COVID-19. His Eminence also provided an update on his condition.

The cardinal remains in the hospital for his recovery. ChurchPOP reported on Aug. 21 that medical professionals removed him from the ventilator and transferred him to a hospital room.

He added that he will provide occasional updates in the future as he endures “intensive rehabilitation” in order to preserve his energy.

Here’s his Instagram post below:

@cardinalraymondburke, Instagram

Here’s the text of his post below:

“Praised be Jesus Christ!

“In the Sacred Heart of Jesus and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I express deep gratitude to God, who has brought me to this point of healing and recovery.

“As previously communicated by the leadership and staff of the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, for whom I also express my profound appreciation, I am no longer intubated with a medical ventilator.

“I have been transferred out of the Medical Intensive Care Unit and settled in a hospital room where the doctors, nurses, and numerous hospital staff have provided vigilant, superb, and steadfast medical care. For these dedicated professionals, too, I offer heartfelt thanks, as well as to the priests who have ministered to me sacramentally.

“To those who have offered innumerable Rosaries and prayers, lighted candles, and requested the offering of the Holy Mass, I extend my sincere gratitude, and I ask the Lord and His Mother to bless you all.

“I also thank my brother bishops and priests who have offered Mass for me or prayed for me at the altar.”

His Eminence posted the full letter on the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe’s website.

“The generous outpouring of grace unites me to you in a special way, as I am also particularly united to all victims suffering from the effects of the COVID-19 virus.”

Cardinal Burke then explained that he unites his suffering to Christ, offering it for the Church and the world.

“Since Divine providence has governed that I remain hospitalized for the present, I now reaffirm that the same episcopal conviction: suffering, united with the suffering of Jesus Christ, is truly efficacious in His Divine Plan for our salvation when accepted willingly and wholeheartedly.”

Many social media users responded to the announcement with praise and gratitude.

Here’s what some users said:

@_catholicaesthetics, Instagram

This user commented, “We have been praying diligently for you, Your Eminence! May Our Lord, through the intercession of Our Lady and St. Michael the Archangel, heal and preserve you! 🙏🏼”

@tsar_nicholas, Instagram

Another user wrote,  “Thanks be to God! I will continue to pray for you Cardinal Burke. May God provide you with an expedient recovery!”

@garfimar, Instagram

This user added, “Miracles do happen…so glad you are still with us!”

Let us continue praying for Cardinal Burke’s full healing and recovery!

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[See also: Cardinal Burke Taken Off Ventilator & Released From ICU, New Health Update Announces]

[See also: Priest Who Consecrated Afghanistan to Our Lady of Fatima Begs for Prayers – Here’s 5 Prayers to Invoke Her Intercession]

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