Catholic Mother Pregnant with Conjoined Twins Sharing One Heart - Her Inspiring Story

Images courtesy of Nicole LeBlanc

Catholic wife, mother, and business owner Nicole Duque LeBlanc made a rare announcement about her first pregnancy: she’s expecting conjoined twins who share one heart.

The 24-year-old expecting mom first told the world her story in December when she asked for prayers.

“This is not how I would imagine I would announce this. But I’m pregnant with twins,” LeBlanc wrote in a now-viral tweet. “My twins are conjoined and share [one] heart and vital organs. There is a very high chance of miscarriage and there is nothing that can be done except wait. Please pray for me.”

LeBlanc now updates her Twitter and Instagram followers about her journey. She considers the pregnancy a gift from God and a unique opportunity to share the pro-life message.

The young mother shared a more detailed update about her experience in a March 21 Instagram post. She published a  baby bump photo, two ultrasound photos, and images of her custom-made rosary board.

She also explains that she and her husband are both traditional Catholics,

“My husband and I are so blessed to have been chosen by God to have special twins!” LeBlanc said on Instagram.

“Our twins are special because they share one heart, one liver, diaphragm, bowels and umbilical cord,” she said. “Despite sharing a malformed heart, they are growing appropriately! Praise God!”

“We don’t know how much time we will have with our babies, but as of now, I will have a c-section at 35 weeks and letting God be in control of the situation.”

Here’s her Instagram post:


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LeBlanc told ChurchPOP she is now 29 weeks pregnant and will have a Caesarean section (c-section) in early June. She said many people assume her children experience pain, but she says “that simply is not true.”

“I’ve asked my doctors numerous times if they were in pain, and the doctors said they are perfectly fine and doing well within my womb!” LeBlanc explained. “Once they are born, and if they show signs of discomfort or pain, we have modern medicine to help ease and soothe them.”

LeBlanc also shared that she believes her family has a “special mission” to save children from abortion.

She believes she “should share her story of love and hope” using social media.

“I believe my family has a very special mission to save as many babies as possible from the evils of abortion,” LeBlanc said. “We are the pro-life generation!”

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