"Chewbacca Mom" Sings & Writes Her Own Christian Worship Songs!

The Comedy Bar, YouTube / Candace Payne, YouTube / ChurchPOP

“Chewbacca Mom” is the latest viral-Internet celebrity – and she keeps getting cooler the more we know about her!

Here’s the latest: Not only is she a devout Christian, has a beautiful singing voice, can play an instrument called the “banjitar” – but she has written her own worship songs!

First off, if you’re wondering who “Chewbacca Mom” is, you need to watch this video. It was originally a Facebook Live video, and it’s currently the most viewed Facebook Live video ever. In the video, stay-at-home mom Candace Payne is in her car and is trying on for the first time a mask that looks like Chewbacca from Star Wars. The mask is unique because it makes a Chewbacca sound whenever you open your mouth. You need to watch it to understand.

But the mask is not the main reason the video is going viral: people love her playful and joyful attitude.

Since the video went viral, she’s been living a whirlwind: she was on Good Morning America, the Late Late Show with James Cordon and J.J. Abrams, interviewed by Entertainment Tonight, and got a special tour of Southeastern University for some reason – she was even given an award at Facebook’s headquarters!

And through it all, she’s be open about the fact that she’s a devout Christian.

“[T]he truth is that my relationship with Jesus Christ has completely made me who I am,” she told BuzzFeed. “because He’s told me who I am. And once you know that you’re loved by God – and not just a god, but the God that created everything – your whole life changes. You don’t have to impress anybody else, because you’ve got the one opinion that matters.”

She appears to be some sort of charismatic protestant Christian, saying she has received the “gift of tongues.” She’s been a worship leader since age 14 and can sing, play various musical instruments, and writes her own music!

Here’s is a video of her playing a guitar and singing a song she wrote called “In Your Name I Am Saved”:

And here’s a video of her singing “Power in the Blood” with a “banjitar“:

Isn’t she great? Let us know your reaction in the comments!

[See also: These 4 Men Sing Some of the Most Beautiful Chant You’ve Ever Heard]

[See also: Listen to This ISIS-Surviving Assyrian Christian Sing a Beautiful Song to Jesus]

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