Epic Photo Bomb: Super Bowl Champ Wears Pro-Life Tie & Pin for Joe Biden at White House

Joe Biden by Gage Skidmore, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 2.0 / Harrison Butker by Jeffrey Beall, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 4.0

Super Bowl champion and Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker performed the ultimate photo bomb at the White House on Mon., June 5.

The Catholic husband and father kicked the winning field goal for the Chiefs at the 2023 Super Bowl in February. The White House honored the team following their victory.

Butker attended the White House ceremony wearing his pro-life tie and 10-week baby feet pin.

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Lila Rose's Live Action designed the special tie, which contains a Latin phrase that reads, "Vulnerari Praesidio," meaning "Protect the Vulnerable."

Butker released a statement following the event, explaining that he "wants to give the most vulnerable, the unborn, a voice at a place where every effort has been made to allow and normalize the tragic termination of their lives."

"As a father who has experienced three miscarriages, my wife and I understand the hardships that come with losing a child," Butker continues. "Every life is precious and should be valued whether outside or inside the womb."

Below is Butker's statement:

Many social media users praised the kicker's decision to wear the pro-life message at the White House.

Some users called him "a legend," "courageous," a "stud," and "a great example."

In an Instagram story, Students for Life of America wrote, "Photo bomb of the year award [for] Harrison Butker."

Daily Signal reporter Mary Margaret Olohan wrote, "Pretty awesome: Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker showed up to the most pro-abortion White House administration in U.S. history wearing a pro-life tie that largely translates from Latin to 'protect the vulnerable.'"

This Knights of Columbus council also tweeted, "Great job by our fellow brother Knight, Harrison Butker."

This user added, "Regardless of your views, gotta admire how strong he has stood by his beliefs regardless of the backlash he might receive."

Another Twitter user wrote, "This might be the most manly thing I have ever seen. God bless Harrison!"

Say a prayer for all unborn children!

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