John Stamos Posts Precious Prayer He Wrote As a Child: "Dear Lord, I Look Up to You"

@johnstamos, Instagram / ChurchPOP

This is such a great example of childhood innocence and simplicity!

Actor John Stamos posted a handwritten prayer that his mother supposedly saved from his childhood.

Stamos is most well-known for his work playing Jessie on the1980s/1990s sitcom, Full House.

Here is a photo of the prayer:

@johnstamos, Instagram

The prayer reads, “Dear Lord, I look up to you because you are you. I want to do my very best on earth so I can be with you at the end. Help me to do my best. Thank you.”

According to the post, Stamos wrote this when he was 11 years old.

Here’s photo’s caption:

@johnstamos, Instagram

The caption reads, “Well said, an 11-year-old John Stamos. ‘Help me to do my best. Thank you’ #simplicity”

And he’s right, this is true simplicity!

One Full House co-star also commented on the photo:

@candacecbure, Instagram

Candace Cameron-Bure said, “It’s pretty awesome, I must say, and made my heart smile so big. Out of the mouths of babes. So honest and true. I love that your mom saved everything.”

Jesus also encourages us in simplicity.

This is something the saints spoke about regularly.

St. Therese of Lisieux said, “The splendor of the rose and the whiteness of the lily
do not rob the little violet of its scent nor the daisy of its simple charm.
If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness.”

Let us all strive for simplicity in our daily lives!

[See also: “I Will Spend My Heaven Doing Good Upon Earth”: 24 St. Thérèse of Lisieux Quotes to Honor Her 24 Years of Life]

[See also: This Reality TV Star’s Saintly Prayers for the Miraculous Saved Her Unborn Baby’s Life]

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