Holy Cuteness! Toddler Caught on Monitor Praying for Parents, Santa Claus

24/7 NewS Tv, YouTube

Jesus must love this!

A toddler in Seneca, SC was caught praying on her own on her baby monitor by her parents.

Normally, her parents pray with her when putting her to bed, but they skipped it that night because they were rushing to catch a Carolina Panthers game.

So the toddler just prayed on her own!

In the video, you can hear the girl saying the names of all the people she wants to pray for – including her parents (multiple times), her grandparents, and Santa Claus – before concluding with an enthusiastic “Amen!”

Sounds like she’s on the right track!

Here’s the video:

[See also: 18 Signs You Might Have A LOT of Kids]

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