In Response to Abuse Crisis, Multiple Bishops Request Recitation of St. Michael Prayer After Mass

Catholic Online, YouTube

Several bishops in the United States are calling for the recitation of the St. Michael prayer after Masses in response to the abuse crisis.

Diocese of Pittsburg David Zubik recently asked that clergy “consider restoring the practice of the St. Michael prayer after all Masses…to protect the faithful against evil.”

Here’s the full tweet from the diocese:


@DioPitt, Twitter

The Pittsburg bishop has also announced a Year of Repentance,” beginning Sept. 23, “in which all clergy of the Diocese of Pittsburgh are asked to fast and pray for the purification of the Church in light of the scandal of child sexual abuse, and all Catholics are invited to join in.”

Bishop Frank Caggiano of the Diocese of Bridgeport, Conn., also asked that his parishes recite the prayer after all Masses beginning Sept. 15, the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.

Here’s his announcement:

@BishopCaggiano, Twitter

With a photo of the St. Michael prayer, Bishop Caggiano’s tweet reads, “I would also like to announce that the Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel will be recited at the end of each and every Mass celebrated in the Diocese, beginning on the Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows. I ask that you begin to pray it personally as well.”

In another tweet, Bishop Caggiano said he will lead a Holy Hour with the Rosary and a Mass of Reparation and Purification on September 15th,” which is also in response to the abuse crisis in the Church.

Bishop Richard Stika of the Diocese of Knoxville, Tenn., is another bishop who requested that the parishes in his diocese pray the St. Michael prayer after Mass.

Here’s his announcement below:

@BishopStika, Twitter

The full text of Bishop Stika’s tweet reads,” Today I informed the Priests that beginning September 14, I would like, following the closing blessing at all Masses, the Prayer to St. Michael be prayed by those present. Also in every parish, the Mass of Reparation for the Sins of the Church will be celebrated weekly.”

However, ChurchPOP received an update from the Diocese of Knoxville, explaining that the recitation of the prayer will begin on the Sept. 29, the feast of the Archangels and “will be prayed at all vigil and Sunday Masses…and continue for at least a year.”

They explained that the prayer is not only for the abuse crisis, but is a prayer against all the evil in the world today, because “Satan is working to destroy the Church and all good things.”

Do you think all dioceses should request that the St. Michael prayer be said after Mass?

[See also: The Mysterious Origin of the Prayer to St. Michael]

[See also: Prayer to St. Michael (Latin)]

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