Amazing Grace: How God Saved This Man from Drugs to Become a Franciscan

Midwest Capuchin Franciscan Vocation Office, YouTube

The Midwest Capuchin Franciscans have been producing a series of really great videos on what it’s like to go through the process of becoming a friar. Their series “Called” tells the amazing story of M.J. Groark, who went from being a drug addicted homeless person to being a Franciscan friar.

Here’s the first installment entitled “Called: The Postulant”:

Here’s the newest installment entitled “Called: The Friar”:

They also recently released this beautiful video showing a day in the life of a Capuchin Franciscan:

Interested in learning more about the Capuchin Franciscans? Learn more on their website!

[See also: Friar Dude: Super Fun Catholic Franciscan Video Game]

[See also: QUIZ: Which Franciscan Saint Are You the Most Like?]

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