Minecraft Devotions: Creative Meditations on the Mass, Adoration, & More!

Lumen Fidei / YouTube

“I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.” – 1 Cor 9.22

Love God? Love Minecraft? Then we might have the perfect videos for you!

As we’ve explained elsewhere, Minecraft is an extremely popular video game in which people can build things out of blocks. Blocks are all pretty much the same size, but can come in different colors. If that sounds too simple, then prepare to be blown away by what people have been able to design.

[See also: The Cathedrals of Minecraft: 8 Mind-Blowing Creations]

The (apparently anonymous) owner of the YouTube channel Lumen Fidei has been making videos meditating on various Catholic things using Minecraft. He’s made a video on the Mass, a video with an intriguing illustration for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a video on Eucharistic Adoration – and much more. These videos include Minecraft creations that are both massive and complicated, and some of the videos also have a voice-over explaining the meaning of everything.


The Mass

Eucharistic Adoration

Resisting Temptation

[See also: Breathtaking Videos of 11 Beautiful Christian Sites Taken with Drones]

The Sacrament of Confession

Against Atheism

Garden In Honor of The Blessed Trinity

[See also: 12 Amazing Christian Sculptures Made Entirely Out of LEGOs]

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