"Our Lady's Great Power": Truck Burns & Firefighters Discover Something "Supernatural"

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God can do anything! 🙌

On Tues., Jan 4, a truck caught fire on a road in Laranjeiras do Sul, Paraná in Brazil. The flames completely engulfed the vehicle, but one thing remained intact: an image of Our Lady of Aparecida, the patroness of Brazil.

One local recorded a video of the incident following the fire. The back of the truck, with Our Lady’s image, is completely untouched and in perfect condition.

A prayer alongside Our Lady reads, “Cover me with your sacred mantle. Amen.

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The truck driver also miraculously survived, uninjured.

Here’s the video below:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

Here’s a translation of the video entitled “Our Lady’s Great Power”:

“This is the situation of the truck in Ponte do (Rio) Xagu here. I was curious to see the scene. The driver is not injured. But there is another fact that caught my attention.

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“It’s just a miracle the driver was saved, but I’ll show you another important detail–what’s left of the truck intact here. For those who do not believe in miracles–in Our Lady–the rest of the truck is all destroyed. After about twenty hours, smoke is still coming out down there.”

Brazilian news outlet Correio Braziliense reported that the fire department confirmed the incident and what occurred.

The outlet said the failure of the truck’s dashboard caused the fire. The fire department’s spokesperson said the “only explanation” for the image’s survival “is really supernatural.”

“The truck’s trunk is all made of the same material as the body–thin sheets of aluminum–material that melts easily just when the fire approaches. We see this kind of thing a lot, but we can’t comment, because there are a lot of people who don’t believe it,” the spokesperson said.

“But it burns very fast. The only explanation is really supernatural.”

Our Lady of Aparecida, please pray for us!

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