Polish President Entrusts Poland to Our Lady at Marian Shrine After Re-Election, Prays Evening Prayer

@JasnaGoraNews, Twitter

Wow! This is so beautiful!

Polish President Andrzej Duda visited the Jasna Góra Monastery in Częstochowa, Poland after winning the his second presidential term on July 13. The monastery contains a shrine and a miraculous image of Our Lady of Częstochowa.

The president participated in Evening Prayer and dedicated Poland to Our Lady.

The Jasna Góra Monastery tweeted these pictures below:

@JasnaGoraNews, Twitter

The English translation reads, “Like 5 years ago, just after choosing, [President] Andrzej Duda arrived at #JasnaGóra . Will participate in the Evening Prayer of [the] Poles Call of Jasna Góra. This is another pilgrimage of the head of the Polish state to #Sanktuarium“.

@JasnaGoraNews, Twitter

The shrine also posted a photo and quote from President Duda:

“That the Holy Mother would always look after our Homeland! I sit here as a pilgrim, it is a holy and important place for me, here I feel spiritual support. I want to thank you here and ask for further protection for Poland and for me,” the president told reporters.

The monastery posted another tweet, explaining that President Duda entrusts Poland to Our Lady.

@JasnaGoraNews, Twitter

The full tweet reads, “With the participation of [President Andrzej Duda], #JasnaGóra continues [the] Call of Jasna Góra. Andrzej Duda, re-elected to the highest office in the state, entrusts the Polish Queen with all matters of the Homeland and Nation”

Here’s enlarged photos of his visit:

@JasnaGoraNews, Twitter

@JasnaGoraNews, Twitter

@JasnaGoraNews, Twitter

@JasnaGoraNews, Twitter

Częstochowa Auxiliary Bishop Andrzej Przybylski also commented on the president’s re-election and shrine visit.

“God bless our beloved homeland, Poland, all Poles. Bless the president of the most glorious Republic in this new stage of his national service,” Bishop Przybylski said.

“Listen, God, to the great desire of Your and our Mother, Queen of Poland of Częstochowa, that we, her Polish children, may live in harmony and unity, that we may have God in our hearts, for only He can enable us to truly love and reconcile, to wisely bond Poland together and to spiritually revive it.”

Pray for Poland! 🙏 🇵🇱 🙏

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