Pope Francis Replies to ChurchPOP Reader After Following Our Instructions for Sending Letter to Pope

Korea.net / Korean Culture and Information Service (Photographer name) CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons / Anonymous ChurchPOP Reader / ChurchPOP

This is so amazing!

In Feb. 2018,, we posted “How to Send the Pope a Letter – And Why You Might Get a Response!” The article provides step-by-step instructions as to how to send a letter to the Holy Father.

One ChurchPOP reader sent us Pope Francis’ response after he followed these instructions for sending the pope a letter.

ChurchPOP reader David (who also asked to remain anonymous) said he “sent a letter” “with a single sheet” to the Pope’s apartment.” He added that it “didn’t even include a return address,” but begged the Pope “to just send me any words at all for my mother.”

The letter also included a rosary Pope Francis blessed!

Here’s the letter below:

Anonymous ChurchPOP Reader

Here’s what the full letter says:

“Dear Mr. [anonymous],

The Holy Father has received your letter, and he has asked me to reply in his name. He appreciates the concern which prompted you to write him.

His Holiness will remember your mother in his prayers. Invoking upon her the healing love of our Lord Jesus Christ, he sends his blessing. Enclosed is a rosary blessed by Pope Francis.

Yours sincerely,
Monsignor Paolo Borgia

David explained that the letter took about a month to arrive, but is “so grateful” and “it’s so much more than I asked for.”

“I’m so happy to have gotten this to give my mom,” David explained. “I just wanted something to lift her heart.”

Have you ever received a letter from the Pope? If so, let us know!

[See also: How to Send the Pope a Letter – And Why You Might Get a Response!]

[See also: Holy Etiquette: The Proper Way to Address Church Officials of Different Ranks]

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