Real Face of Jesus or "Anti-Christian Psyop"? Artist’s “Reconstruction” of Jesus’ Face Resurfaces in Viral Tweet

Popular Mechanics, Twitter / ChurchPOP

Did this medical artist discover the real face of Jesus Christ?

Retired medical artist Dr. Richard Neave claimed he reconstructed the face of Jesus with a team of “British forensic experts and Israeli archaeologists.”

The former University of Manchester staff artist released the resurfaced image in 2015 after he and his team studied three Semite skulls allegedly dating back to Jesus’ time.

With these skulls and a few biblical excerpts, the team used forensic anthropology and Jewish tradition to calculate what they believe Jesus looked like.

Based on their hypothetical analysis, the team said they discovered the construction of Jesus’ face.

They believe Jesus had dark, curly hair, a “muscular frame,” dark skin from working as a carpenter, and a short stature. They said he weighed about 110 pounds and was a little over five feet tall.

However, these claims completely contradict the Shroud of Turin, St. Faustina’s description of Jesus in the Divine Mercy image, and St. Veronica’s veil. The claims disregard any relics or traditional Christian account of Jesus’ appearance.

On March 18, 2023, this Twitter user’s post generated over one million views after explaining why he believes this image is an “anti-Christian psyop.”

Here’s the analysis below:

Click here if you cannot see the post above.

His Twitter thread reads, “This image is one of the biggest anti-Christian psyops in history. / The methodology behind this ‘reconstruction’ is some guy just picked a random skull from the area and time in which Christ lived, did an artistic ‘reconstruction of what he might have looked like,’ and now it’s framed as a ‘scientific depiction.’

“Frame something as scientific and literally [anyone] will eat it up. This reconstruction wasn’t ‘scientific’ and the ‘scientist’ was actually an artist.”

Publishing a photo of Joe Biden, the user continues, “Scientists in the future: ‘Behold, by analyzing a skull from the early 21st century, we have successfully recreated a scientifically accurate image of Donald Trump.”

“This is literally what the ‘scientist’ did with the recreation of Christ.”

Hundreds of users responded to the post.

Here’s how some people reacted:

Twitter user Chris Chambers wrote, “Go to a museum or other location where they have skeletal bones of what they claim are early humans. Look at the bones, and then look at the pictures they come up with that supposedly represent the human/monkey/ape whatever when it was alive. There is a HUGE amount of imagination going on.”

Another user said, “Jesus, being the Son of God, would not necessarily look at all like people in the area where he was born.”

Twitter user Sylvia Silvano added, “It was based on a skull found in an old tomb totally unrelated to Jesus’ family. Would a skull from a random cemetery in your town if reconstituted look very much like you? It was also designed deliberately to be as unattractive as possible.”

Twitter user Fernando Fuentes also said, “This was the anthropological rendition made with forensic software. They don’t have Jesus’ skull, so it is made up with evidence from that time and then retouched by ‘artists’. If the method is absurd, the results will be the same, other renditions with this method look terrible.”

What do you think of this “reconstruction”?

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[See also: Hyper-Realistic Body of Jesus Created After Intense Scientific Study of Shroud of Turin]

[See also: What Convinced This Secular Scientist the Shroud of Turin is Real]

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