Statues of Our Lady Found Untouched Amid Debris After Hurricane Ida in Louisiana

Margo Hitt Brockman, Facebook Heidi Wilson, Facebook / @StHubertCatholicChurch, Facebook

This is amazing! 😱

St. Hubert Catholic Church in Garyville, La. posted an amazing photo of a statue of Our Lady remaining perfectly intact following Hurricane Ida.

The Category 4 storm made landfall on Sun., Aug. 29, leaving more than a million people in the New Orleans metropolitan area without power. Hundreds of thousands also lack water and fuel.

The church near New Orleans published a photo on Aug. 30, thanking Our Lady for protection from the storm. The post then led other users to share their photos of untouched statues of Our Lady after the hurricane!

Here’s the church’s post below:

@StHubertCatholicChurch, Facebook

The church’s post reads, “In the midst of tree damage, Our Lady stood as protection for our village of Garyville. Not a branch touched her as they fell all around her. Thank you Mother Mary for interceding for us.”

Here’s the enlarged photo:

@StHubertCatholicChurch, Facebook

As of this writing, the post generated almost 700 reactions and more than 3,000 shares.

Here’s how some users reacted:

Rose Robinson, Facebook

One user said, “Wow! Such a wonderful miracle!”

Karen Monasky, Facebook

Another user wrote, “Praying for all of you as you walk with Christ through the aftermath of this hurricane.”

Carla Frilot, Facebook

Someone else wrote, “Thanks Mother Mary. You saved many of us during the terrible storm.”

Bobby Lear, Facebook

Another user also wrote, “Jesus protecting his mom. Amazing.”

Two other users posted photos of statues they saw completely untouched after the storm.

Here’s two more statues below:

Heidi Wilson, Facebook

Posting a photo in the comments, this user said she saw a statue of Our Lady “on Crocus St. in Garyville about a half-mile away!”

Another user shared this photo:

Margo Hitt Brockman, Facebook

This user wrote, “Feeling blessed at my house also.”

Pray for Louisiana as they recover from this storm!

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[See also: Eucharistic Pyx, Prayer, & Rosary Remain Completely Untouched in Devastating Car Fire]

[See also: Facing Natural Disasters? Pray to St. Medard, Patron Against Bad Weather]

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