The Excruciating Suffering of the Souls in Purgatory, Revealed in 3 Supernatural Stories

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The souls in purgatory suffer so much!

Ken and Janelle Yasinski of The Catholic Minute YouTube series published an incredible video describing “3 Amazing Purgatory Stories.” 

The video tells three stories describing the excruciating suffering the souls in purgatory experience, and the effects of our prayers for them.

Janelle takes these stories from the book, “A Month With Our Friends, the Souls in Purgatory.”

The first story describes a Jesuit priest who lived in constant physical agony for one year after feeling the sweat of a man in purgatory. 

“…a drop of sweat fell onto the Jesuit’s hand and the priest let out a horrible scream,” Janelle reads. “All [the brother priests] were seized with fear, and resolved to multiply their penance and prayers to flee from worldly pleasures and to tell everyone they met about this extraordinary event in order to encourage them to avoid purgatory and to hasten the release of souls.”

The second story describes two Dominican priest friends who promised to pray for each other after their deaths.

After one priest died first, he appeared to his friend and said, “Nothing on earth can demonstrate the ardor of this fire. Do you want proof?”

The priest “then placed his hand on a wooden table into which it immediately embedded itself.”

The last story describes the power of St. Mechtilde’s ‘Our Father’ prayer for the souls in purgatory.

Listen below:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

Let us remember to pray for the souls in purgatory! 

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let the perpetual light shine upon them. And may the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

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[See also: 5 Powerful Prayers for the Poor Souls in Purgatory Every Catholic Should Know]

[See also: Child’s Supernatural Vision Rescues Her Dad From Purgatory, Revealing the Power of the Mass]

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