The Miraculous Multiplication of Cookies: A Missionary's Story About the Power of Prayer

@DrHeidiBaker, Facebook

This is so amazing! God always provides!

Protestant missionary Heidi Baker, founder of Iris Global, shared a miraculous story about an experience she recently had as a missionary in Africa.

Anytime the children need food, she encourages them to pray for it. This time, they received “a rare treat.” Her team made a large batch of cookies, but there were not enough for everyone.

Read what happened in the post below!

Here’s the Facebook post:

@DrHeidiBaker, Facebook

Here’s full text of story:

“Our children like their food, and we love to eat together. We have to have a lot of food to feed everyone. If you knew how much we needed, it might make you nervous!

But I don’t get anxious about it. I feel happy, because I know God always provides for me and my little ones. I get to be a little piece of the big puzzle of how He does it. I see that as a true privilege.

One day we made a big batch of cookies for the kids.

They are not like western cookies; they are harder and smaller, but our kids love them, and they are a rare treat. On this day, word got out quickly that we had made them, and hundreds more children came looking for one.

Juma, one of our little guys, and Dawn, a missionary, were serving the cookies. Before long, they realized they were going to run out.

The kids were taking more than one and stuffing them in their pockets. There would not be enough to go around, especially as hundreds more kids were arriving.

We teach our kids to pray if they need food. That is what happened in the Book, and the Book is what we live by. So we put ourselves into the story of the Book.

Accordingly, little Juma prayed for more cookies to feed the kids.

God has performed food miracles for us many times, but it is normal for Him to make more bread and chicken. This time, He worked on that cookie bag.

There were Juma and Dawn, with hundreds and hundreds of kids, and the bag of cookies did not run out. For weeks and weeks, God filled that bag over and over again!

This was not a “necessary” miracle. They didn’t have to have those cookies. But God loves to bless us and give us good gifts. He also loves it when we trust Him to answer the simplest of prayers: “Help!”

What prayer do you need to trust Him with today?”

Jesus multiplied the barley loaves and fish in John 6: 1-15, so why wouldn’t he multiply cookies?

God is infinitely good and loving! He always provides!

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