The Traditional Catholic Mass Prayers to Repel Dangerous Storms

@MCITLFrAphorism, Twitter

When a major storm is headed your way, you should prepare as much as you can. But you should also pray.

Prayer is powerful, and it can change history. No, we don’t always get what we prayed for. But God always hears us – and sometimes he does grant us what we pray for.

These prayers, titled “Ad Repellendas Tempestates” (“To Repel Storms”), are meant to be used in the extraordinary form of the Mass at their respective parts (and some people are using them!). But feel free to use them as inspiration for your own personal prayer.

Here’s the original Latin:

Collect: A domo tua, quǽsumus, Dómine, spiritales nequítiæ, repellantur: et aërearum discédat malígnitas tempestatum. Per Dóminum.

Secret: Offérimus tibi, Dómine, laudes at múnera, pro concéssis benefíciis gratias referéntes, et pro concedéndis semper supplíciter deprecantes. Per Dóminum.

Post-Communion: Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, qui nos et castigando sanas, et ignoscéndo consérvas: præsta supplícibus tuis; ut et tranquillitatibus hujus optate consolatiónis lætémur, et dono tuæ pietatis semper utamur. Per Dóminum.

And here’s an English translation:

Collect: We beseech Thee, O Lord, that all wickedness being driven away from Thy house, the fury of the raging tempest may pass away. Through our Lord.

Secret: We offer Thee, O Lord, our praises and gifts, giving thanks for the blessings bestowed upon us and ever humbly praying that they may be continued towards us. Through our Lord.

Post-Communion: O almighty and everlasting God, who by chastening dost heal us and by forgiving dost preserve us, grant that we Thy suppliants may rejoice in the peace and consolation which we desire, and ever enjoy the gift of Thy mercy. Through our Lord.

Pray that God would save us from storms!

[See also: Secrets of the Saints: 5 Powerful Prayers to Jesus in the Eucharist]

[See also: The 5 Prayers Revealed at Fatima that Every Catholic Should Know]

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