The Untold Story of Roe v. Wade: Pro-Life Movie Filmed in Secret Set to Release on Good Friday

Roe v. Wade The Movie, Youtube / ChurchPOP

Have you heard about this movie yet?

The long-awaited Roe v. Wade movie about the most detrimental Supreme Court decision hits streaming and on-demand services on April 2 (also Good Friday).

Due to its topic and fear of backlash from pro-abortion supporters, the producers filmed the movie in secret.

The movie follows the untold story of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision.

“Dr. Bernard Nathanson and Dr. Mildred Jefferson square off in a national battle in this untold conspiracy that led to the most famous and controversial court case in history,” the movie’s website explains.

“A team of activists begin to search the country, looking for a pregnant girl they can use to sue the government for her right to have an abortion. They find the perfect pawn: a young woman with a 10th grade education, struggling with poverty and other issues, named Norma McCorvey, now famously known as ‘Jane Roe.’ We watch as Norma and her legal team sue Henry Wade, the district attorney of Dallas County.​ Roe v. Wade is born.”

The film stars multiple Hollywood actors, including Jon Voight, Nick Loeb, Stacie Dash, Joey Lawrence, John Schneider, and Robert Davi.

Directors and producers include Dr. Alveda King, Nick Loeb, Troy Duhan, and Cathy Allyn.

Here’s the trailer below:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

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[See also: Secret Pro-Life Film About Roe v. Wade Revealed to Be Filming, Stars Famous Actors]

[See also: Catholic Super Bowl Champion in Powerful Pro-Life Interview: “It’s Insane Abortion is Legal”]

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