Thousands Cheer as Blood of St. Januarius Liquifies for First Time This Year

Il Mattino, YouTube

This is so exciting! 🤩

The blood of St. Januarius liquified on the morning of Sat., April 30 for the first time in 2022 in Naples, Italy.

Surprisingly, the blood liquified before the annual procession of the relics, which normally takes place yearly on the Saturday before the first Sunday in May.

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Thousands attended this year’s procession, which occurred for the first time in three years following inclement weather and the pandemic.

Naples Archbishop Domenico Battaglia removed the blood-containing ampoule from the safe inside the Cathedral of Naples and displayed it to the public.

Here’s a video of the event below:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

In his homily before the procession, Archbishop Battaglia said the “blood still flows! It flows in our Europe” and we cannot “turn our backs on it.”

“We are not indifferent to the fact that the war in Ukraine… somehow broke the hearts of two Christian peoples, and that often the words of faith are distorted and used to motivate or cover up the reasons of one to the detriment of the other, when the Gospel has a single, new, and essential word which has always cried out to the hearts of men: peace, peace, peace!”

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The archbishop also said that “the pandemic should have taught us that no one can be saved alone, that only together can a society renewed in love be built. Instead, an individualistic hemorrhage seems to take over our society.”

Here’s another video of the procession:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

While the Church does not officially recognize the miracle, locals consider it a “good sign” for the city of Naples.

The liquefaction miracle of St. Januarius’ blood potentially occurs three times per year at the Cathedral of Naples in Italy: the Saturday before the first Sunday of May (the celebration of his relics arriving at the Cathedral), on the saint’s Sept. 19 feast, and on Dec. 16, the anniversary of Naples’ preservation from the 1631 Mount Vesuvius volcanic eruption.

St. Januarius was a third-century bishop known for his bravery in defending his flock and was martyred during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. He is the patron saint of Naples, Italy.

St. Januarius, please pray for us!

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[See also: Blood of St. Januarius Finally Liquifies on Evening of Dec. 16 in Rare Miracle]

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