"Are We Ready for the End of Roe v. Wade?": EVERY Pro-lifer Needs to Hear These Hard Truths

Ryan O'Hara, Facebook

Wow. Now this is powerful!

Ryan O’Hara, a Catholic speaker, and husband and father of four, recently posted a video challenging people to ponder life after Roe v. Wade, in the event that it is overturned.

Throughout the video, O’Hara reveals that if America reaches this point, there will be more babies, children and parents in need.

He then explains the solution.

You can watch his video below:

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The “pro-birth” argument

In the video, O’Hara says, “The number one critique from the pro-choice side of things is that pro-life means just pro-birth.”

He continued, “They might be right if we don’t put our money where our mouth is…at the service of the needs that may arise in a post-Roe v. Wade America.”

Let’s be completely who we are: pro-life.

O’Hara explains, “If Roe v. Wade goes away, there will be less access to abortion, but not fewer moms and dads struggling with what to do about an unplanned pregnancy. What will fill the gap?”

He then reiterates:

“Because as one thing may come to an end, another thing would be about to begin.”

“More families in crisis, not less.

More moms in need, not less.

More boys and girls in distress, not less.

More kids in foster care, not less.

More adoptions, not less.”

The Call to Adopt

O’Hara, who is also the director of training content at St. Paul’s Outreach, explains that he and his wife were granted “the gift of infertility.”

He refers to this as a gift because God called them to adopt children.

He said, “They needed a home, and we wanted to be parents, and our hearts and lives were transformed in the process.”

A “Revolution of Care”

O’Hara concluded the video, explaining that the pro-life movement has the “moral imperative, the resources, and the families to get the job done.”

“Foster parenting and adoption has been one of the greatest gifts of my life.

“Would you open your heart to the gift of becoming a foster or adoptive parent?”

“The possible end of Roe v. Wade end will create more opportunities, not less, to love and serve families, kids, moms, and dads in need.

That’s what I hope the pro-life movement is ready for.

To be a part of, not just an end to Roe. v. Wade, yes.

But a part of a revolution of care for kids and families in crisis across the country.”

[See also: St. Padre Pio Warned Abortion Was the “Suicide of the Human Race”]

[See also: 7 Answers to the Ridiculous “Pro-Lifers Are Just Pro-Birth” Argument]

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