"The Young Messiah": A New Hollywood Movie About Jesus' Childhood

Movieclips Trailers, YouTube

It looks like Hollywood has rediscovered the Christian faith! At least as a subject for making movies.

The newest one about to hit theaters (March 11th) is The Young Messiah, a film about the childhood of Jesus based on a novel by Anne Rice called Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt. The Bible tells us very little about Jesus’ childhood, so there is apparently a good amount of imaginative filling-in-the-blanks involved.

Rice is most famous for her erotic book series The Vampire Chronicles, which also inspired films. Then, in 1998, she returned to the Catholicism of her youth. In honor of her newfound faith, she published two fictionalized accounts of the life of Jesus in the 2000s, the first of which is the basis of the new movie.

Unfortunately, she distanced herself from the Catholic Church again a few years ago, citing disagreement with the Church on various moral issues. Given this history, it’ll be interesting to see how the film turns out.

Based on the trailer, the film looks great from a production standpoint, and has recognizable faces like Sean Bean (Boromir in The Lord of the Rings trilogy).

The Young Messiah joins another Bible-inspired film in theaters, Risen, which depicts a Roman soldier’s (futile) search for the body of Christ after the resurrection.

Here’s the trailer for The Young Messiah:

What do you think? Is this something you’d like to see? Let us know in the comments!

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