Your "Visitation" Playlist: 8 Songs to Help Your Soul Magnify the Lord

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The Church celebrates May 31 as the feast of the Visitation of Mary!

After the Annunciation account in the Gospel of Luke, the evangelist tells us Mary goes in haste to visit her cousin Elizabeth, who the angel shared was also with child (Luke 1:39–56). After Mary’s long journey, she greets her cousin Elizabeth, who in turn acclaims Mary as “blessed among women” and blessed also is the fruit of her womb.

After Mary heard those words, she proclaimed her Magnificat, saying that her soul rejoiced in God her savior and recounting all the great things God has done throughout history. Today, priests and consecrated religious pray those words of Mary every evening during Vespers.

As we recall Mary’s visit to Elizabeth, allow your soul to magnify the Lord with both contemporary and ancient hymns.

Great Things by Matt Maher

In the song “Great Things,” popular Catholic music artist Matt Maher begins with the opening words of the Magnificat and then declares that God has done great things which gives us cause for rejoicing and shouting his name aloud.

Visitation Song by Aly Aleigha, featuring Jessica Schissel

This melodious song brings joy to my ears when I listen to it! I love Aly Aleigha’s beat and pattern. The song begins with Mary’s journey to visit Elizabeth and their initial encounter. An invitation then is given to magnify the Lord, which is the entry into the entirety of the Magnificat.

Elizabeth’s Song by Amanda Vernon

In a unique song, Amanda Vernon presents a song from the perspective of Elizabeth, who once was barren and now feels the child in her womb. We often look at the feast of the Visitation through the eyes of Mary and her rejoicing in the Lord, but Amanda Vernon’s song allows us to rejoice with Elizabeth who heard the sound of Mary’s voice.

Jesus Within You by Danielle Rose

Catholic artist Danielle Rose recorded an album (The Mysteries) with songs corresponding to each mystery of the rosary. In this song, Danielle Rose brings out the pro-life message of the Visitation.

Holy is His Name by John Michael Talbot

I was introduced to John Michael Talbot when I was an adolescent. This is perhaps one of his most popular songs, since it has been introduced into Catholic hymnals. In an age when the name of God is carelessly used in vain, Talbot’s song reminds us of Mary’s words in which she declared holy the name of God. Let us make Mary’s prayer our own.

Magnificat  by Znamenny (Eastern Chant)

This chant version of the Magnificat intersperses a mantra from the Eastern Catholic Church, “More honorable than the cherubim, and more glorious without compare than the seraphim, who without corruption gave birth to God the Word, Mary Theotokos we magnify thee.”

Magnificat from the Taize Community

The community of Taize from France has their own style of music, in which one phrase is repeated several times. In this version, the opening words of the Magnificat in Latin are sung continuously.

Magnificat (Gregorian Chant) by the Daughters of Mary

This version of the Magnificat is the traditional Gregorian chant, sung in Latin.

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