What a brave young man! 👏
While Poland held its first-ever LGBT Pride March on Aug. 10, 2019 in Płock, 15-year-old Jakub Baryła held a crucifix and rosary in his hands.
Baryła stood before LGBT supporters and police during the march, holding high a crucifix and rosary. He said the the late Fr. Ignacy Skorupko was the inspiration behind his actions.
Fr. Skorupko is said to have held a cross “during the Warsaw battle with the Bolsheviks in 1920.”
In a video of the march, Baryła says to police, “I’m here to defend the Catholic faith. You can get me out of here.”
Watch below:
Click here if you cannot se the video above.
The 15-year-old describes himself on Twitter as a “Catholic, traditionalist, supporter of the SSPX (rescue for the Mother of the Church 😉), a conservative and a patriot. Councilor of the Płock Youth Council.”
Baryła told a Polish news outlet that he initially decided not to march for fear of negative pushback.
However, after seeing a blasphemous image of Our Lady of Częstochowa depicted with rainbow halos, “I decided that I had to go back to my idea,” Baryła said.
The boy obtained the cross from a Płock parish priest. Although, before giving it to him, the priest “was afraid of the profanation of the Holy Cross by atheists.”
What Baryła said about his experience at the march:
“I wanted as many people as possible to see my gesture. I wanted Him to make them reflect and discuss.
“First, I walked with a cross in my hand in front of a cordon of police protecting the Equality March. Later, I sat on the pavement and prayed in Latin with the words ‘Salve Regina.’
“I directed my prayer to the Mother of God, the ideal of purity.
“Policemen came and asked me to stand up. I said I couldn’t do it because the participants of the march are destroying my Catholic faith and profaning the Polish flag by placing a rainbow on it.”
Police eventually removed Baryła from the march.
Here’s pictures from the march:

Baryła: ” I would like to become a priest”
Baryła explained that some say his actions will “advance his political career.” He countered the claims, saying “it is not true.”
“I do not want to be a politician,” Baryła said. “I would like to become a priest. I do not care about recognizability in public space. It happened naturally, but it was a side effect, not the purpose of my action.”
In an Aug. 13 tweet, Baryła also said “defending the Holy Faith against attacks is not a rejection, but a necessity.”
Here’s his tweet below:

His full tweet reads, “Defending the Holy Faith against attacks is not a rejection but a necessity, and love does not mean accepting bad behavior.
“I do not reject anyone, because our Lord did not reject anyone. And I put on a sweatshirt, I tolerate LGBT support companies–it is their choice. They have good products.😜 Greetings.”
Let us pray for courage and strength to defend the Catholic faith as Christ calls us!
[See also: Catholics Should NOT Support LGBTQ Pride Month, Providence Bishop Says in Controversial Tweet]
[See also: Orthodox Priest Cleanses His City’s Downtown with Holy Water After LGBT Parade (Pictures Inside)]