The most beautiful of God’s creatures is Mary. There is no comparison.

The sweetest name we can utter after that of Our Lord Himself is that of Mary, our spiritual Mother and our Queen. We can never do enough to honor or celebrate her. It’s impossible.

As William Wordsworth so beautifully expressed, she is “our tainted nature’s solitary boast.”

In the month of May,  also recognized as the month of Mary, we have beautiful ceremonies to crown her statues. This practice is a small emulation of the joyous spectacle we celebrate on the fifth glorious mystery of the rosary: the Most Holy Trinity’s Coronation of Our Lady as Queen of Heaven and Earth.

Wouldn’t it be mind blowing if we saw a behind-the-scenes look at this most beautiful day in Heaven, when the Queen was crowned in glory?

Ven. Mary of Agreda, one of the greatest mystics in Church history, was graced with such a vision. She recorded and preserved this vision in her masterpiece on Our Lady entitled, The Mystical City of God.

Ven. Mary writes:

“After placing the most blessed Mary on this exalted and supereminent throne (next to her Son), the Lord declared to the courtiers of heaven all the privileges She should enjoy in virtue of this participation in His majesty. 

“The Person of the Eternal Father, Ws the first principle of all things, speaking to the angels and saints, said to them: ‘Our Daughter Mary was chosen according to our pleasure from amongst all creatures, the first one to delight Us, and who never fell from the title and position of a true Daughter, such as We had given Her in our divine mind; She has a claim on our dominion, which We shall recognize by crowning Her as the legitimate and peerless Lady and Sovereign.’

“The Incarnate Word said: ‘To my true and natural Mother belong all the creatures which were created and redeemed by Me; and of all things over which I am King, She too shall be the legitimate and supreme Queen.’

“The Holy Ghost said: ‘Since She is called my beloved and chosen Spouse, She deserves to be crowned as Queen for all eternity.’

“Having thus spoken, the three divine Persons placed upon the head of the most Blessed Mary a crown of such new splendor and value, that the like has been seen neither before nor after by any mere creature.”

After this crown, beautiful beyond all imagination, was placed on Our Lady’s head, Ven. Mary states she heard a voice from the throne that decreed all of these beautiful things about Our Lady:

  • She is the Queen of Angels
  • She is the Queen of Men
  • All hell fears her as its Supreme Empress and Mistress
  • She is given power over nature according to her will
  • She is the Empress and Mistress of the Militant Church, its Protectress, Advocate, Mother and Teacher
  • She is the special Patroness of Catholic countries
  • Whenever we call on her from our hearts, she has power to relieve and help us in our labors and necessities
  • She is the Defender of the just, she has power to comfort, console and fill them with blessings according to their devotion to her.
  • She has been made the Treasurer of all the graces of Heaven and everything that we receive from God comes through her hands.
  • She has suppliant omnipotence: whatever she asks for she obtains because she is perfectly pleasing to the Lord!

What a beautiful day this was! What power and protection we can find by living under the mantle of the Queen of Heaven!

Ven. Mary comments that Sts. Joseph, Joachim and Anne, along with the other relatives of Our Lady, partook especially on this day, along with a thousand angels of her guard. (You read that right– Ven. Mary states that Our Lady has a personal guard consisting of a thousand angels!)

After this magnificent vision, Our Lady addresses Ven. Mary directly with these words:

“In this state of affairs, when the Almighty has granted me so many privileges as his Mother, and when there are so many sources of help placed in my hands solely for the benefit of mortals and belonging to me as the Mother of mercy, it is a great cause of sorrow to me to see mortals force me to remain idle, and that, for want of calling upon me, so many souls should be lost.”

Did you read that correctly?

Our Lady is sorrowful because we do not ask for her intercession enough!

Please do this priest a favor and call on your Heavenly Queen and Mother every day in the Holy Rosary. (Otherwise known as the direct hotline to the Queen of Heaven–the one whom hell fears. She is your mother and wants your salvation more than anyone after Our Lord Himself.)

Be assured, my friends, Our Lady waits for your to call upon her.

She reiterated to Ven. Mary: “The Most High still wishes to give liberally of His infinite treasures and resolves to favor those who know how to gain my intercession before God.”

Gain her intercession! Pray the Rosary! Pray it every day and call upon Our Lady, the Queen of the Angels and Men, the one whom Hell itself fears, fervently and often, just as a little child does with his mom!

May Our Lady watch over you always.

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[See also: Mary’s Secret to Sanctity: Supernatural Revelations of Heaven’s Most Powerful Intercessor]

[See also: Don’t Let Demons Attack Your Stuff! An Exorcist’s Consecration to Our Lady All Catholics Need]

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