The month of May is a special time for Catholics around the world, as it is dedicated to the veneration of Mother Mary.
Special devotion to Mary has been a part of Catholic tradition for centuries, and the month of Mary serves as a time for us to honor and show our love for the Blessed Mother.
Here are 7 Ways to Honor Mother Mary during the Month of May:

1) Make a Marian Shrine
Set up a special place in your home, dorm, office, etc. in honor of our Blessed Mother! All you need is a statue or image of the Virgin Mary. Consider gifting her with a vase of fresh flowers and take the time to visit this special place during your prayer routine.
It can be as extravagant or as simple as you feel called to do.
2) Plant a Marian Garden
Spring has sprung! Plant a garden dedicated to Our Lady. If you don’t have the space to do so, consider keeping a vase of fresh flowers in your home or gift a bouquet to the Marian shrine at your parish.

3) Pray the Rosary Daily
Our Lady instructed us to pray the Rosary every day. If you don’t do so already, make this a habit during the month of Mary specifically. You will be amazed by the graces that come forth from doing so!
4) Learn about Marian Apparitions
What is your favorite Marian apparition? Is there an apparition of Our Lady you’ve been wanting to learn more about? Consider this the perfect time to do so!

5) Have a Go-To Marian Prayer
There are various Marian prayers we can turn to as Catholics. Having one that resonates with your season in life–whether it’s the Hail Mary, Memorare, or a simple, “Mary, Mother of Jesus, be a Mother to Me Now,” is a game changer.
6) Pray the Seven Sorrows of Mary Rosary
Our Lady promised special graces for those who honor her Seven Sorrows.
You can find our guide for praying the Seven Sorrows Rosary on our website here.

7) Complete a Marian Consecration
Through consecration of oneself to Mary, we acknowledge her role as the Mother of Our Lord and entrust our intentions to her intercession. We believe that she hand delivers our prayers to her most Holy Son. We worship God more fully by honoring His Mother!
There is a full guide to Marian Consecration on our website here.
Through prayers, devotions, and acts of love and service, we can deepen our relationship with Mary and better follow her example of faith, obedience, and love.
May this month of dedication to Mary inspire us to grow in faith and to seek her intercession in all our needs!