Alyssa Milano probably did not expect this!
Hollywood actress and pro-abortion actress Alyssa Milano called for a “sex strike” in response to the recent passage of Georgia’s Heartbeat Bill, which bans abortions after a baby’s heartbeat is detected.
Here’s Milano’s announcement on Twitter:
Our reproductive rights are being erased.
Until women have legal control over our own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy.
JOIN ME by not having sex until we get bodily autonomy back.
I’m calling for a #SexStrike. Pass it on.
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) May 11, 2019
Click here if you cannot see the tweet above.
Her full tweet reads, “Our reproductive rights are being erased. / Until women have legal control over our own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy. / JOIN ME by not having sex until we get bodily autonomy back. / I’m calling for a #SexStrike. Pass it on.”
Pro-lifers responded in celebration. Here’s why:
Fr. Harrison Ayre, pastor of Holy Family Notre Dame Roman Catholic Parish in Port Alberni, British Columbia, said “she is literally undermining her entire agenda.”
Here’s his full tweet:
1) she’s showing that abstinence is the best insure you don’t get pregnant
2) she‘s showing that sex is not just for fun but has an end: procreation
3) she’s showing contraception actually doesn’t work as well as we are told
4) she is literally undermining her entire agenda
— Fr. Harrison Ayre 👌🏻 (@FrHarrison) May 11, 2019
Click here if you cannot see the tweet above.
Here’s what Fr. Harrington’s full post reads:
“1) she’s showing that abstinence is the best insure you don’t get pregnant
2) she‘s showing that sex is not just for fun but has an end: procreation
3) she’s showing contraception actually doesn’t work as well as we are told
4) she is literally undermining her entire agenda”
Fr. William Dailey, a priest of the Congregation of Holy Cross, also provided a thought-provoking response to the “sex strike.”
Here’s what Fr. Dailey said:

Fr. Dailey’s full tweet reads, “Abstinence as a protest to pro-life laws is pretty much the triumph of Humanae Vitae.”
Planned Parenthood Director turned pro-Life advocate Abby Johnson added her response to the strike.
Here’s what Abby Johnson said:

Her full tweet reads, “New headline: “Hollywood finally embraces abstinence.” We will now call abstinence education, “sex strike education” and the liberals will no longer have a problem with it.
Pro-life advocate and Live Action founder Lila Rose provided a two-part response to the strike.
Here’s Lila Rose’s thoughts:
Quick Primer on Actual “Reproductive Rights”:
• We have the right to decide when & with whom to have sex
• We have the right to be free from sexual harassment & abuseRights come with a responsibilities. There are 3 key corresponding “Reproductive Responsibilities” (1/2)
— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) May 11, 2019
Click here if you cannot see the tweet above.
Here’s the full text for Rose’s first tweet:
“Quick Primer on Actual “Reproductive Rights”:
• We have the right to decide when & with whom to have sex
• We have the right to be free from sexual harassment & abuse
Rights come with a responsibilities. There are 3 key corresponding “Reproductive Responsibilities.”
Here’s Rose’s second tweet:
Reproductive Responsibilities:
• Treat others with dignity & stand up against sex harassment & abuse
• Abstain from sex until you’ve chosen one person to love, protect & serve for life who also chooses you
• Be open to the lives you may create together#SexStrike
— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) May 11, 2019
Click here if you cannot see the tweet above.
Here’s what Rose’s second tweet says:
“Reproductive Responsibilities:
• Treat others with dignity & stand up against sex harassment & abuse
• Abstain from sex until you’ve chosen one person to love, protect & serve for life who also chooses you
• Be open to the lives you may create together
The Unplanned movie actress Ashley Bratcher added her two cents, thanking Milano for promoting abstinence.
Here’s what Ashley Bratcher said:
Thanks for supporting abstinence @Alyssa_Milano, the number one way to prevent unintended pregnancy. 👏 #sexstrike
— Ashley Bratcher (@_AshleyBratcher) May 11, 2019
Click here if you cannot see the tweet above.
Bratcher’s full tweet reads, “Thanks for supporting abstinence @Alyssa_Milano, the number one way to prevent unintended pregnancy. 👏 #sexstrike”
While Milano’s call for a sex strike generated multiple pro-life responses, her purpose is to promote the abortion agenda.
In a follow-up post this morning, Milano retweeted her husband’s thoughts on the issue.
Here’s what Alyssa Milano’s husband said:

His full tweet reads, “Hmm..trending #1 and got people talking about the issue? Working just fine. But, you may have missed the point. It’s about women, and their right to make choices about their own health, lives and bodies. Thanks for checking in @davidwebbshow”.
Let us pray for Alyssa Milano’s conversion, and the conversion of all pro-abortion activists, workers, and for the healing of women suffering from terrible wounds of abortion.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the unborn, please pray for us!
[See also: Alyssa Milano’s Call For Abortion Stories Provokes Astonishing Pro-Life Testimonies]
[See also: Actress Strikes Back at Alyssa Milano’s Heartbeat Bill Protest: “Enough is Enough…Abortion Is So 1973”]