Ashely Judd Spotted Wearing Green Scapular at Country Music Hall of Fame

Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain / Hanabishi, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

Wow…this is surprising! 🤯

News hit on Sat., April 30, that country music legend Naomi Judd committed suicide following a slew of mental health issues.

The news came just one day prior to The Judds’ induction into the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville, Tenn. on Sun., May 1.

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Daughters Wynonna (one of the duo’s members) and Ashley Judd both attended the event, receiving the induction on Naomi’s behalf.

Upon entering the stage, Ashely appeared to wear a Green Scapular around her neck.

Here’s some screenshots below:



The actress and youngest daughter of Naomi is not Catholic (that we know of), and has been a staunch abortion supporter and advocate in the past.

However, regardless of her reasoning, Our Lady’s intercession is powerful for the scapular wearer. The graces attached to this sacramental have resulted in miraculous healings and conversions.

About the Green Scapular

The scapular contains an image of Our Lady, as well as an oval around Our Lady’s heart with the inscription, “Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.”

When Our Lady presented it to Sr. Justine Bisqueyburu in 1840, she heard interiorly that the scapular “should be shared with the world as an instrument in the conversion of souls.”

Pope Pius IX approved this sacramental and its distribution in 1863 and again in 1870. 

A priest should bless the scapular and the devotee should wear it, saying the inscribed prayer regularly and with confidence.

To help another person obtain grace, the devotee may secretly place the scapular in a home, for example, and pray the inscribed prayer with confidence for the individual.

Here’s a photo of the Scapular below:

Hanabishi, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

Could this result in Ashley Judd’s conversion? 🤔 Say the prayer for her! 🙏

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of death!

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[See also: Our Lady’s Green Scapular: A Miraculous Little-Known Sacramental for Healing & Conversion]

[See also: Our Lady’s Forgotten Fatima Message: 5 First Saturdays to Console Her Immaculate Heart]

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