Albert Little

Albert Little

Sarnia, Ontario Website Facebook Twitter

Albert Little is a Catholic convert, husband, and full-time dad. In his spare time he reads books, looks at birds through binoculars, and blogs at The Cordial Catholic.

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What I Learned From a Tired Priest

To begin, it’s worth acknowledging that every parish church is different. While the Mass, in its structure, readings, and language is always the same (across the globe) there are myriad aspects of church that differ from parish to parish. Some churches are busting at the seams, for example, with...

How This Protestant Came to Love the Rosary

For all good Protestants, myself included, Mary is the ultimate stumbling block on a journey into full Catholic communion. This wasn’t so for the first 1,500 years of Church history. Martin Luther one of the earliest Protestant reformers held strong and fast to Marian doctrine even doctrine, like...

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