If you want strong, faithful, and selfless men to be priests, raise your sons to be these things.

If you want strong, faithful, and selfless to be husbands and dads, raise your sons to be these things.

You’ll do this by cultivating virtue in their lives.
You’ll do this by setting their priorities straight while you have control over their schedule.
You’ll do this by placing faith over worldly endeavors.

The ‘you’, by the way, is first and foremost you dads.

It is not your wife’s job to teach your son how to be a strong Catholic man. It is yours.
It is not her job to teach him to love God first, set his priorities straight, embrace abstinence, virtue, and discipline as a matter of being a man. It is yours.
It is not her job to model faith, prayer, steadfastness, and leadership. It is yours.

If she has to do it, time to man up.

Every problem and scandal we face in our families, churches, parishes, and society is fixable by the grace of God. We have to step up, make the needed changes, and be willing to stand out from this society so as to positively change this society.

Time for us men to man up and be what God has called and created us to be.

Originally posted to Facebook.

[See also: Why Are Catholics Leaving the Faith? This Brave Priest Reveals the Dangerous Culprit]

[See also: Is Missing Mass on Holy Days Sinful? This Priest Explains the Hard Truth]

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