"It's a Miracle": Mother Says Son Healed After Meeting Pope Francis


Praise God for His goodness!

An Italian mother said her son received healing after his spontaneous encounter with Pope Francis last October.

Elsa Morra and her son, Paolo Bonavita visited Rome in October for medical tests. Paolo has autism and epilepsy, and doctors suspected a brain tumor due to the boy’s declining health.

Paolo spontaneously approached Pope Francis during his papal audience on Oct. 20. As his mother placed her jacket on the back of her chair, Paolo snuck up on stage.

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The pope welcomed him and allowed him to remain on stage throughout the audience.

Here’s a clip below:

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Paolo’s mother later went on stage with her son, and the Pope spoke these words to her:

Signora, forza! The impossible does not exist for you. I will be close to you in prayer. Keep going. You have done so much for your son. You are a super mom.”

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Morra told Catholic News Agency that Paolo began miraculously improving after this encounter with the Pope.

“It’s a miracle,” she said. “It’s a miracle, for us, for my family.”

Paolo’s previous blood work showed high prolactin levels, which can rise after epileptic seizures. However, within a few days, his levels dropped from 157 to 106. And after about a month, his levels dropped to 26.

Morra said that Paolo also has the blood disorder, thalassemia. Following this meeting, his hemoglobin levels improved. This protein in the blood carries oxygen through the body.

Doctors also eliminated the possibility of a brain tumor or scarring, which could have lead to severe complications, or even death. These results relieved Morra, who was very worried for her son.

CBS News asked Morra in November if she would like to say anything to Pope Francis after their encounter.

She responded, “Thank you for the miracle.”

Say a prayer for Paolo and his mother!

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