This is so beautiful!
Catholic theologian Scott Hahn revealed in a recent Facebook post that St. Teresa of Calcutta sent handwritten letters to him and his wife several years ago.
“Kimberly and I were deeply blessed to receive handwritten notes to each of us from this beloved saint, a year before she died,” Hahn said in his post.
He then cited her words and posted photos of both notes.
Here’s his post below:

Hahn posted his story on Sept. 5, Mother Teresa’s feast day.
The first part of his post reads, “Today the Church celebrates the Feast of St. (Mother)Teresa of Calcutta, who God called home on this day (Sept 5, 1997). Kimberly and I were deeply blessed to receive handwritten notes to each of us from this beloved saint, a year before she died. St. Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us!”
Here’s the letters below:

Note one reads, “Dear Kimberly, Keep the joy of loving Jesus in your heart, and share this joy with all you meet, especially your family. Ask Our Lady to help you. God bless you, M. Teresa, M.C.”

Note two reads, “Dear Scott, Be only all for Jesus, through Mary. God bless you. M. Teresa, M.C.”
How wonderful! This is such an amazing blessing! Thank you for sharing it, Scott Hahn!
St. Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us!
[See also: “A Big Discovery”: Mother Teresa’s Secret Mystical Visions of Jesus]
[See also: When Scott Hahn Explains It, Mariology Makes So Much Sense]