Olympian Sydney McLaughlin Boldly Praises God After Breaking World Record: “With God, All Things Are Possible”

@sydneymclaughlin16, Instagram / ChurchPOP

What a beautiful testament of faith! ✨

Olympic runner Sydney McLaughlin broke her own world record on July 24 at the World Athletics Championships in Oregon.

The 22-year-old athlete ran the 400-meter hurdle in 50.68 seconds, breaking her previous 2020 Tokyo Olympics record of 51.41 seconds.

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McLaughlin then took to Instagram to praise God for her achievement.

She first quoted Heb. 4:16, then explained how faith and prayer are the center of her career. She then credits God’s grace for having broken another record, “because with God, all things are possible.”

Here’s her post below:

@sydneymclaughlin16, Instagram

McLaughlin’s full post reads, ‘So let us come BOLDLY to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.’ – Hebrews 4:16″.

“Praise. His. Name.

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“What a beautiful day yesterday was. Preparing for this meet, the core of my team was centered around faith and belief. The amount of prayer coupled with hard work was divinely culminated in 50.68 seconds. By the grace of God, we accomplished our goal. Thank you so much to my coach, my husband, my team, my family, and all of my supporters. Let’s continue pushing the bounds of the sport, because with God, all things are possible! God bless. ❤️🙏🏽”

Here’s how some users reacted:

@liveactionorg, Instagram

Live Action commented, “You’re amazing.”

@athiiing, Instagram

Olympic gold medalist Athing Mu added, “It [starts] with Him! Congrats!”

@abby_steiner, Instagram

NCAA athlete and World Champion Abby Steiner said, “Congratulations Sydney ❤️🙏🏼 His light shines through you!”

@teejay_holmes, Instagram

World Championship athlete TJ Holmes also said, “Just AMAZING. The Lord is using you to be in the spotlight to help change the WORLD. Keep sharing how great he is through it all. 💚”

@monalynna__smile, Instagram

Athlete and World Champion Lynna Irby added, “So inspirational in both in body and faith! 👏🏾🙏🏾”

@corymcgeeruns, Instagram

Olympian Cory Ann McGee wrote, “Congrats, Sydney. Beautiful words, in awe of your grace. 🤍”

@riseofdrob, Instagram

Daniel Ellis Roberts, another professional athlete, also commented, “Amen and Amen.🙏🏾”

Congratulations to Sydney McLaughlin! 👏👏👏

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