Lord have mercy! Pray for Madonna!
Singer, songwriter, and actress Madonna blasphemed the Catholic faith in a recent Vanity Fair photo spread and video.
The 64-year-old pop singer explicitly used Catholic imagery to promote her latest album and tour. She posed as Our Lady of Sorrows, mocked Jesus, the Apostles, the Rosary, the Last Supper, and Eucharist.
In at least two images, Madonna poses as Our Lady of Sorrows. She depicts herself with tears streaming down her face, along with Our Lady’s seven swords piercing through a heart.
In the other images, she poses as Jesus wearing a large rosary. The blasphemous images also depict the apostles as women dressed in vulgar attire, mocking Our Lord in the Eucharist.
Finally, in additional images, she stands near a demonic figure, with baby dolls on and around her.
The singer explains her reasoning for the blasphemy in the Vanity Fair issue, calling her attackers in the Catholic Church “hypocrites,” because she believes she “mirrored Jesus’ teachings.”
(The Vatican, including Pope John Paul II, condemned her 1989 ‘Like a Prayer’ video. The pope even encouraged Italians to boycott her.)
“I was fiercely criticized by the Catholic Church. I was raised with a Catholic upbringing…I was shocked to see myself attacked by the Church, because he was unable to understand how much my work was trying to produce something good,” she said.
“I quickly realized that they were the problem, not me. They were the problem because they hadn’t understood that my work as an artist united people, gave them freedom of expression, unity. It was the mirror of Jesus’ teachings. Whoever attacked me was just a hypocrite».
Here’s the images below: (warning – offensive and blasphemous material)

Five First Saturdays Devotion
Because of sins against Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart, Our Lady of Fatima presented the Five First Saturdays Devotion to Sister Lucia of Fatima.
On Dec. 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared with the Infant Jesus standing on a cloud, requesting acts of reparation for the blasphemies and ingratitude committed against her Immaculate Heart, like the one we explained above.
Jesus said, “Have pity on the Heart of your Most Holy Mother. It is covered with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce it at every moment, and there is no one to remove them with an act of reparation.”
Angel’s Prayer of Reparation
“O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly.
I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity
of Jesus Christ present in all the tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended.
By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary
I beg the conversion of poor sinners.”
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[See also: How to Practice Our Lady of Fatima’s Forgotten Call to the 5 First Saturdays Devotion]
[See also: The 5 Prayers Revealed at Fatima that Every Catholic Should Know]