Saint Rita's life is a testament to her deep faith, as she endured numerous trials and hardships. Her unwavering faith and devotion have inspired many people around the world to turn to her intercession and guidance in times of difficulty.
Here are eight things to know and share about the life of Saint Rita of Cascia:

1) Married at a young age and had twin boys.
Her prayers did not prevent her husband's death due to political turmoil. Her sons almost followed in his footsteps but were saved!
2) Entered a convent after her husband's death.
She was accepted into the Augustinian Order of nuns in Cascia, Italy.

3) Often depicted with a wound on her forehead.
…which represents a thorn from Christ’s crown. She received this wound during one of many mystical experiences.
4) Known as a peacemaker.
…and persuaded her husband to reconcile with his many enemies before his death.

5) Shortly after she died in 1457, her body was found to be incorruptible.
…meaning it did not decay as expected!
6) She is buried at the Basilica of St. Rita in Cascia, Italy.
There you can find several relics related to her life, including her wedding ring. It is said she miraculously removed it from her finger before entering the convent.

7) Canonized by Pope Leo XIII in 1900.
St. Rita, pray for us!
8) Patron saint of desperate situations and impossible causes.
…as well as a saint for feuding families, healing, and mothers.
Here is a special prayer for the intercession of Saint Rita:
O Holy Patroness of those in need, Saint Rita,
whose pleadings before thy Divine Lord
are almost irresistible,
who for thy lavishness in granting favors
hast been called the Advocate of the HOPELESS
and even of the IMPOSSIBLE;
Saint Rita, so humble, so pure, so mortified, so patient
and of such compassionate love for the Crucified Jesus
that thou couldst obtain from Him whatsoever thou askest,
on account of which all confidently have recourse to thee,
expecting, if not always relief, at least comfort;
be propitious to our petition,
showing thy power with God
on behalf of thy suppliant;
be lavish to us, as thou hast been
in so many wonderful cases,
for the greater glory of God,
for the spreading of thine own devotion,
and for the consolation of those who trust in thee.
We promise, if our petition is granted,
to glorify thee by making known thy favor,
to bless and sing thy praises forever.
Relying then upon thy merits and power
before the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
we pray thee grant that
(here mention your request).
By the singular merits of thy childhood,
obtain for us our request.
By thy perfect union with the Divine Will,
obtain for us our request.
By thy heroic sufferings during thy married life,
obtain for us our request.
By the consolation thou didst experience at the conversion of thy husband,
obtain for us our request.
By the sacrifice of thy children rather than see them grievously offend God,
obtain for us our request.
By the severe penances and trice daily scourgings,
obtain for us our request.
By the suffering caused by the wound thou didst receive from the thorn of thy Crucified Savior,
obtain for us our request.
By the divine love which consumed thy heart,
obtain for us our request.
By that remarkable devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, on which alone thou dost exist for four years,
obtain for us our request.
By the happiness with which thou didst part from thy trials to join thy Divine Spouse,
obtain for us our request.
By the perfect example you gavest to people of every state of life,
obtain for us our request.
Pray for us, O holy Saint Rita,
that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray:
O God, Who in Thine infinite tenderness hast vouchsafed to regard the prayer of Thy servant, Blessed Rita, and dost grant to her supplication that which is impossible to human foresight, skill and efforts, in reward of her compassionate love and firm reliance on Thy promise, have pity on our adversity and succor us in our calamities, that the unbeliever may know Thou art the recompense of the humble, the defense of the helpless, and the strength of those who trust in Thee, through Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
Prayer source: The Catholic Crusade