Do you wear a scapular?

Fr. Mark-Mary, CFR, and Fr. Gregory Pine, OP, explain in a recent video why the scapular is a “sign that makes people holy” that “causes grace in the life of the believer.”

Our Lady presented the brown scapular to St. Simon Stock in 1251.

She promised, “Take this Scapular, it shall be a sign of salvation, a protection in danger and a pledge of peace. Whosoever dies wearing this Scapular shall not suffer eternal fire.”

Our Lady added, ““Wear it devoutly and perseveringly. It is my garment. To be clothed in it means you are continually thinking of me, and I in turn, am always thinking of you and helping you to secure eternal life.”

Fr. Gregory Pine further explains how the scapular actually works, and what Catholics should do to reap its benefits.

Listen to the video below:

Click here if you cannot see the video above. 

“One day through the Rosary and Scapular, Our Lady will save the World.” – St. Dominic

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[See also:“Our Lady Will Save the World”: The Remarkable History of the Miraculous Power of the Rosary“]

[See also: A Brief History of the Miraculous Brown Scapular, In One Infographic]

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