On March 14, 2024, Pope Francis authorized the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints to promulgate the decree on the heroic nature of the virtues of Angelina Pirini (Sala di Cesenatico, Italy, 1922 – 1940).
Pope Francis gave this 18-year-old Servant of God the "Venerable" title!
Angelina grew up in the simplicity and religiosity of a modest family, whose reference point was the parish. She was enrolled in Catholic Action when she was a child. After receiving her First Communion in 1930, she attended Mass every day.
In 1934, Don Giuseppe Marchi, who had recently become the new parish priest of Sala, entrusted Angelina with the role of favorite delegate, then aspirant delegate, and finally president of the parish women's section.
Angelina was very committed to the apostolate with the young people, using all the energy that her spirituality gave her.
She was a truly attentive educator: she tried to understand the psychology of girls so she could talk to them about the love of God!
On Dec. 8, 1936, the young woman, after having obtained the permission of her spiritual father (Don Giuseppe), took a vow of virginity.

Stricken with Illness
On July 9, 1937, she was struck by severe abdominal pain. She underwent initial surgery for perforated appendicitis, but only later was she diagnosed with advanced intestinal tuberculosis.
However, Angelina was never discouraged, finding in her illness a reason to offer her suffering to God. She desired to offer herself as a victim of reparation for the whole world.
In 1938, she bound herself to Jesus in the Eucharist with the vow of perpetual virginity and united her suffering with Christ's Passion. Finally, she took a vow of obedience to her spiritual director in 1939.
"Experiencing the Eucharist, experiencing it in the hours of abandonment and incomprehension, in the hour in which due to this kind of suffering the soul resembles the living Host of our Altars...!; I offer myself for the Priests so that they may be saints, for the missionaries so that, O Jesus, You give them strength and courage..., so that You protect the Pope, our sweet Christ on earth... Jesus, I want to participate in Your pains, I have the right, being Your little bride ... I want to die a martyr for You and for Your Glory."
From 1939 to 1940, the servant of God had the consolation and privilege of receiving several visits from Bishop Beniamino Socche of Cesena, Italy.
During her last year of life, she experienced a period of spiritual dryness, which severely tested her faith.
Close to her death, when she was breathing hard and was voiceless, Angelina asked Jesus to allow her to sing with the girls, who with the parish priest, brought her the Eucharist. The young girl received this grace, to everyone's amazement.
Death and Funeral
Angelina died on Oct. 2, 1940, at just 18 years old. The funeral saw a huge participation of the population and many young people from Catholic Action. Her remains were then buried in the Sala cemetery. Since March 25, 2001, her body has rested in a marble sarcophagus, commissioned by Bishop Socche, near the altar of Saint Maria Goretti, inside the church.
Angelina's Diary
To better follow her spiritually, Angelina had been invited by Don Marchi to keep a spiritual diary. Here are some thoughts from her:
"...I need pure love, O Jesus, to reciprocate Your infinite love: give it to me. I thirst for silence, for hiding, for mortification to be able to resemble You, to be able to identify with You, O Jesus, Host of love I am thirsty..., I am thirsty for You..., I burn: Jesus, give me a drink, You who are the source of life so that I do not die, but live and live only on You, O Jesus, and live only for You. I want to be Yours until consummation and consume myself for You... My Father who art in heaven, I believe in You and I love You. Yes, my Father, I love You. Hallowed be Your Name, May Your Kingdom come Your will, O Father, as it is done in heaven. Father, I am a poor nothingness and in the depths of my nothingness and in the knowledge of my infirmity, I cry out to You, pure love. To You who see everything as beautiful, holy and infinitely merciful: I cry out to You my love, Father, for the honor and glory of the Son, Your and my Jesus, who, being me and Yourself, made me participate in You, blessed Father".
The "Friends of Angelina" Association
To keep her memory alive, the "Friends of Angelina" association is active at the parish house in Sala. Furthermore, the parish now owns the house where she lived until her death. They host association meetings, as well as meetings for Catholic Action, education for young people, and prayer groups.