The Church celebrates the feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas, a Dominican priest, theologian, and Doctor of the Church, on Jan. 28.
He is well-known for his many theological and philosophical writings, including his work "Summa Theologica," among many others.
However, this popular saint also experienced supernatural ecstasy.
He is one of many saints to experience supernatural ecstasy. Others include Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint Joseph of Cupertino, Saint Angela of Foligno, and Saint Lidwina.
In one instance, Jesus spoke to Saint Thomas Aquinas from a crucifix in his priory's chapel after he completed one of his writings on the Eucharist. Saint Thomas then felt he no longer needed to write.
His fellow Dominican Brother Dominic Caserta witnessed the account, explaining that Saint Thomas was in ecstasy at the time. Brother Caserta even saw Christ speak from the Crucifix!
As Thomas lay prostrate on the floor, Jesus spoke these words from the crucifix:
“Thou hast written well of me, Thomas; what reward wilt thou have?”
Thomas then responded:
“Domine, non nisi Te," or “None other than Thyself, Lord.”
Following this experience, Saint Thomas told his confessor that he completed his writings. His confessor encouraged him to continue writing, but Saint Thomas responded, “I can do no more. Such secrets have been revealed to me that all I have written now appears to be of little value.”
Saint Thomas Aquinas passed away within one year of this mystical experience.

Prayer of Saint Thomas Aquinas to Jesus
Sweet Jesus, Body and Blood most Holy,
be the delight and pleasure of my soul,
my strength and salvation in all temptations,
my joy and peace in every trial,
my light and guide in every word and deed,
and my final protector in death.